Better Posture ProgramThis program is designed for anyone looking to improve their posture and reduce risk of injury. Whether you are working out a home every week, or your workouts have consisted of getting snacks in between Netflix binging, this program is a FOR YOU.
We are sitting for longer periods now more than ever and sadly our spines are not designed for being hunched over at a computer. Postural training is more than just lifting weights, improving your posture involves intentional thought and specific targeting exercises. The BPP program is designed for the busy individual who is tired of the neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, headaches and more that are associated with long days at the computer.
Let’s face it, working from home is not going anywhere. And many left the ergonomics at the office and are stuck at the dining room table or worse the bed! Let me teach you how to straighten up and not only move better but feel better too!
Each week during live online 30-minute sessions you will learn more about your posture, feel stronger and have fun! Over the course of 5 weeks, the BBP will help you:
Understand how to identify your postural muscles
Feel more strength and stability around your spine and core
Have better mobility throughout your body
Learn strategies to manage postural aches and pains
Have a solid foundation to assist you in achieving further fitness goals
Each week will consist of 30 minutes of live training session. Focusing on various aspects of postural training. Followed by a live Q& A
Week 1 Stretching and Mobility (Neck, Upper Back and Shoulders)Exercises and Activities to increase range of motion and stabilization, or control of the muscles that surround your cervical, thoracic spine and shoulder joints)
Week 2 Functional Training (Neck, Upper Back and Shoulders)Specific strengthening exercises that will help you perform activities in everyday life more easily
Week 3 Stretching and Mobility (Lower back, pelvis and hips)Exercises and Activities to increase range of motion and stabilization, or control of the muscles that surround the lumbar spine, pelvis and hips
Week 4 Functional Training (Lower back, pelvis and hips)Specific strengthening exercises that will help you perform activities in everyday life more easily
Week 5 All CORE!
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