What to expect on your first visit:

1) Filling out of your paperwork
You will be required to fill out a new patient intake form providing us with general information about you and your condition or complaints. To save time, you can fill out the intake form online and send it to us electronically or you may download the pdf intake form, fill out and take it with you 15 minutes before your appointment. Click on the link to be directed to our online patient intake forms. After you submit the intake form online, our office will contact you to firm up your appointment.
2) A consultation with one of oour practitioners (they want to get to know you and your health status)
3) A thorough health evaluation
4) Based on #’s 1-3 above, a plan of action to move forward


Our goal is to help ALL chiropractic patients achieve long lasting and permanent results where they can live full, active and pain-free lives. Download the new patient intake form PDF below: