Reiki – The Usui System of Natural Healing
Reiki, pronounced ray-key, is an ancient Japanese healing art known as healing with the hands. The word reiki translates as universal life energy, and refers to the energy that surrounds, nourishes, and supports all living things. When our energy is balanced and flowing freely, we experience inner harmony and a sense of well-being. Reiki aids in deep relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, and healing of the body, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Additional benefits can also be support through grief, trauma, illness, and recovery from injury or surgery. Reiki is for all ages and can be used to compliment other conventional and complementary treatments.
The Chiropractic Office & Health Associates
2227 South Millway, Unit 203, Unit 203,MISSISSAUGA, ON
L5L 3R6
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